4G Module Development Board LTE Core Board SIM7600CE Air720D Air720H EC20 GPS Position Wireless Module Support FTPS/HTTPS/DNS
Model comparison:

(1) TCP: The transport layer protocol CP implements relatively reliable data transmission.
(2) UDP: transport layer protocol UDP, to achieve relatively traffic-saving transmission
(3) TEL: It can be used to dial and answer calls for alarm and monitoring.
(4) SMS: Send and receive SMS for SMS alarm, monitoring and remote control.
(5) HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol, which communicates with the WEB server for data interaction.
(6) FTP: File transfer protocol, which can be used for firmware upgrades, etc.
(7) GNSS: Global satellite navigation system, which can obtain positioning information accurately and quickly, supported only by SIN7600CE-T core board.
(8) Other functions: Support protocols such as FTPS/HTTPS/DNS.
Instructions for use:
It is recommended that beginners first use USB to TTL to connect the core board test, familiar with the core board AT command and its logical relationship, and then use the microcontroller to develop
- Required materials: core board, Micro SIM card, USB to TTL module, DuPont line
- Instructions:
1. Connect the SIM card
2. Connect the four core pins (VIN, GND, TXD, RXD) to the USB to TTL module.
3. Access the computer, open the serial port debugging assistant, send the AT command test

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